Well, here I am, brand new to being a chicken Mom! I'm excited. My 4 chicks arrive on May 19. I've ordered 1 each (female) Easter Egger, Australorp, Partridge Cochin and a Silver Laced Wyandotte. I can hardly wait to get started on this new hobby.
Here's a little info on me and my family: I've been married to my best friend, who I've known since I was 7, for 38 years. Hubby is a retired Police Officer with 28+ years under his belt. We come from a Law Enforcement family - my Dad was a Reserve Officer in our home town of San Francisco; my husband's identical twin brother was a Police Officer; his wife was too; a niece and a nephew are in Loss Prevention - one in Reno, NV and one in Honolulu, HI and now our daughter has followed in the family "business" as a Records/Warrants Specialist in Salinas, CA. Our son is an Emergency Room nurse and he and his wife gave us our first grandchild - a boy - 3 years ago. They are giving us our second grandson on Dec. 2, 2011.
I worked in Food Service for 15 years for our local school district. I also worked for 15 summers at a Girl Scout camp and 5 years at a Boy Scout camp. I am a charter member of a group of who formed a non-profit to buy the Girl Scout camp and run it ourselves.
We retired to the mountains above Fresno, CA (5000') so I could be closer to my camps. Prior to living here, we lived in Silicon Valley for over 28 years. We LOVE it here. We're above the heat and fog of Fresno and right at the snowline.
At the GS camp, I worked my way up from the bottom to Camp Director and I loved my time there. At the BS camp, I ran the Trading Post, was Business Manager one year and also taught rifle, shotgun, black powder and archery.
We have 4 cage birds: Katie, a 13 yr. old African Grey we adopted in May 2009; Sundance, a F 3 yr. old Sun Conure; Shaver, a F 4 yr. old Dusky Conure; and Dinkey, a F 4 yr. old Lutino Cockatiel. The last 3 we raised from 12 week old babies. We also have 3 cats, all male (2 of them are Ocicats) (one has passed away) and 2 F dogs - a German Shepherd and a black Lab.
My daughter and I raised puppies for Guide Dogs for the Blind for many years, which was the most rewarding opportunity of my life. One of our dogs failed for hips (she never had any problem with them) and she became the "camp dog" for about 10 years. She's crossed the Rainbow Bridge but many a little girl remembers "Zee Dog" at camp. She was the MOST SPECIAL dog in the world and I miss her everyday.
I love Counted Cross Stitch and I collect anything Outhouse. I guess that's a "wrap" for now. Edited 9/19/11