The Schaar Family Ducks!
As I sit here and think about our story, and where to begin, my mind thinks back all the way to when I was a little girl living on a big farm in Mississippi. We lived in Saucier, MS. A small, small town about 30 miles straight North of the Mississippi Gulf Coast and Gulfport. I have fond memories of the two little Pekin Ducks my daddy got for me when I was around 9 years old. They were probably around a week - two weeks when we got them and I raised them as if they were my very own pets! It is a delightful memory that I would keep safe in my mind for years to come and wouldn't come back to me until many years later when my family and I moved back to the Gulf Coast, into our home that we have now and will probably have forever.
In August of 2010, my hubby, son and I FINALLY moved home to Missippi, after living 12 years in Alabama. I had been trying to get home for years. Some folks may think that Alabama and Missippi are alike, and even though we are "Sister" States, we are very different indeed. Even I thought living in AL, would be similar to living in South MS, but I was very wrong. And so, after many years of homesickness and heartache, my darling hubby brought us home. We moved into a beautiful house, my dream house, on a gorgeous Lake!
This Lake is surrounded by homes, and many of the homes on the Lake have large lots. Our home sits on 1.2 acres and has an empty, but wooded, lot next to it, as well as inlets on both sides. It is an amazing view from almost all sides of our home, a view we are blessed to have.
This is how it all started: