We are a small farm located in Reidsville, NC. Our specialty is raising and selling Bobwhite Quail, Ringneck pheasants, and Chukar Partridge.Bobwhite Quail are the most popular game bird in the Southern United States. They are fast growing and typically can fly by the end of their first week. Mating season begins in May and runs through August. Ringneck Pheasants are called this for the noticeable ring around their necks.Unlike the Bobwhite Quai, Ringneck Pheasants will not begin flight for two weeks after birth. Chukar Partridge are small, typically weighing in at 1 to 2 pounds. They mature quickly making them a popular game bird in the United States. All birds are great for hunting with dogs or by yourself. They can also be used for consumption or release.

While we are a new farm our stock is still small. However, those who have bought from us believe that we have the best birds in health and size. All birds are flight conditioned. Not only does our birds stand out as the best our personal connection with each costumer ranks as five stars!