Keeping Chickens Without Free Ranging

Good information on setting up a run with the chicken in mind. If birds can't free range, they can certainly enjoy a healthy run!
Great info as I worry so much when my chickens are in the yard......
lots of great ideas!

Just a few and my ladies may never want to free range

Thank you for sharing
Some terrific ideas on how to keep a confined flock content!
Very good tips on keeping flock happy in a run. Going to do the chicken tether ball and the coconut oil scratch treat. Already do frozen pumpkin, fresh & frozen strawberries. Made them a chicken jungle gym (roost on top, ladder up to roost, swing that 2 hens can be on at the same time under the roost). Was glad to see I have already done things to make them happy.
These are great ideas! I plan on incorporating some of them into my chicken run.
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