Wow i have a Blog!!
I guess this is were i tell yall something about me??
Um im from upstate ny , im married and have two beutiful little girls 3 labrador retrievers 4 cats 4 fish and 11.5 acers of land also a lake house.
My husband and i have recently decided to start our own poultry farm due to riseing cost in supermarkets and also for the fact everytime i eat meat from the grocery store it makes me sick !! one were are hopeing that that whont happen anymore and the cost will decrease.
I raised a chicken back when i was in the third grade and i did well with it but now im starting from scratch!!

Im excited and look forward to the chaleng itll be good for our family and our friends but first my meat issue. i love meat allot and it herts my feallings that i cant eat it on a regular basis.
well ttyl all that read this i think its time for bed.