This is our little coop here in Kirkland. We based it off of the Wichita coop, with a few modifications. We made it L shaped and made the roof square, which covers the coop and run as well as the standing area to access both. The coop itself is a 4x4 base, and the inside is about 6' high . The run is 4x8 with another 4x4 section at the L. The entire run is enclosed from ground to roof with hardware cloth, as we know there are coyotes, racoons, skunks and all kinds of critters around. Most of the hardware (hinges, door latches, etc.) and some of the wood and hardware cloth and other miscellaneous items came from a Habitat for Humanity Restore. Other than modelling it after the Wichita coop, we didn't have any plans to follow, just made it up as we went along. Which is probably why the door didn't quite fit when it was ready to be installed, but with a few modifications, in it went. The whole setup has been awesome so far, easy to clean and the chickens seem to be very comfortable in it. Started getting 2 eggs the day after we brought them home and now, a month later, we are getting 4 eggs from 6 hens most days.