Staff note: We’ve been trying to find a way to restore the missing pics to this article but haven’t had any luck. Hopefully the author will be able to help us get the pics loaded back up!
My name is Kathleen and I live in St George, Kansas with my husband and b/g twins, Sam and Annie.
We live on 5 small acres and will be getting some other farm animals but started with chickens. I have been reading this website for useful information and we used a LOT of it to create our coop and run. Then I began looking for some laying hens. I fell into a "starter" set with a mixed batch of 7 hens and 1 rooster. Now I was pretty sure I didn't need or want a rooster but when I met him... my mind was changed! He .. Mr. Big Jim... is a wonderful, calm, regal and gorgeous Buff Orpington. He loves his ladies too so I couldn't separate them!
We've had them one full day and have gotten 5 eggs already! They seem happy to be here!
We built the coop with the plans of getting 4-5 laying hens - 7 is a bit much but we now have plans to put up some fencing for them.
Take a look and see what you think!
My name is Kathleen and I live in St George, Kansas with my husband and b/g twins, Sam and Annie.
We live on 5 small acres and will be getting some other farm animals but started with chickens. I have been reading this website for useful information and we used a LOT of it to create our coop and run. Then I began looking for some laying hens. I fell into a "starter" set with a mixed batch of 7 hens and 1 rooster. Now I was pretty sure I didn't need or want a rooster but when I met him... my mind was changed! He .. Mr. Big Jim... is a wonderful, calm, regal and gorgeous Buff Orpington. He loves his ladies too so I couldn't separate them!
We've had them one full day and have gotten 5 eggs already! They seem happy to be here!
We built the coop with the plans of getting 4-5 laying hens - 7 is a bit much but we now have plans to put up some fencing for them.
Take a look and see what you think!

Getting the project started....
The twins help get the measurements right....
Annie is checking the nesting box lid...yep, it will work
Got the run on and almost all painted!
The backside showing the nesting boxes
Here is the coop outside set up with the new brood checking it out... (we added a large vent on the front due to something I read on here!)
Behind the shop and under the big ol' tree for shade. Notice the "raised grass beds" with hail screen over it, at the end of the run.
Also another brilliant tip from someone on this website!
This way they can eat some grass but not scratch up the dirt far it's working GREAT!
Big Jim wondering "What are YOU looking at?"
Some of the girls ~ 6 full size (3 Rhode Island Reds, 1 Buff Orpington, 1 Ameraucana and 1 Australorp) and 1 Banty
Big Jim and the girls
Learning how to use the chicken watering nipples ~ piece of cake! The 3 Reds caught on first...
Our family:
Buddy the Chocolate Lab (thinks he's human...)
The twins - Annie and Sam
and one LARGE garden - yum, yum!!
Kansas sunsets ROCK!!

The twins help get the measurements right....

Annie is checking the nesting box lid...yep, it will work

Got the run on and almost all painted!

The backside showing the nesting boxes

Here is the coop outside set up with the new brood checking it out... (we added a large vent on the front due to something I read on here!)

Behind the shop and under the big ol' tree for shade. Notice the "raised grass beds" with hail screen over it, at the end of the run.
Also another brilliant tip from someone on this website!
This way they can eat some grass but not scratch up the dirt far it's working GREAT!

Big Jim wondering "What are YOU looking at?"

Some of the girls ~ 6 full size (3 Rhode Island Reds, 1 Buff Orpington, 1 Ameraucana and 1 Australorp) and 1 Banty

Big Jim and the girls

Learning how to use the chicken watering nipples ~ piece of cake! The 3 Reds caught on first...


Our family:
Buddy the Chocolate Lab (thinks he's human...)

The twins - Annie and Sam

and one LARGE garden - yum, yum!!

Kansas sunsets ROCK!!