~Little Creek Farm~
~About Me~
Hi my name is Erin. I am Homeschooled and I own 15 chickens. I show my poultry and show livestock. I live on a beef cattle farm in Virginia. I'm a Christian, I hunt, I love animals and I love food :3
Pictures from the flock
My 17 week old Blue laced red wyandotte cockerel
17 week old pullet(blue laced red wyandotte breed)
My 2 blue laced red wyandotte cockerels at 17 weeks
This is Lola my 17 week old blue laced red wyandotte pullet
17 week old BLRW pullet named Cutie
And last but not least, my handsome splash blue laced red wyandotte cockerel(17 weeks old)
and here's Nugget my black australorp pullet, she has won Breed Best for Australorps, Champion English class and Res. Champion Large Fowl!!!!
And here is Nugget again! She's about 8 months old!
Blue laced red wyandotte pullet and cockerel
Beautiful Splash Cockerel 4 months
gorgeous BLRW cockerel 5months old....he just started crowing this morning!!!
A close up of the same cockerel
Nugget my Black Austrlorp pullet 8 months
Some of my breeding flock of BLRW-I will be selling hatching eggs and chicks from this flock Spring 2012
one of my show pullets getting a bath(blue laced red wyandotte)
my show pullet drying off after her bath!
2 BLRW pullets drying off after their bath! I'm showing these pullets at a show this weekend!!!
here's Nugget with her 1st place novice showmanship medal!!!!!
Here is a pic of Nugget at the VPBA Fall Show
Nugget is my very sweet and adorable black ausralorp she is my favorite hen!
Come back soon ya'll :3