BYC Member Name: JenniferJoIN
Date chicks received: 9-5-2007
What you ordered: 11 of the brown egg layer assortment, 1 golden laced Wyandotte rooster
Positive Feedback: I received one extra chick, not sure yet if it is a male or female. All the chicks arrived healthy and started eating and drinking right away. No issues with pasty butt.
Negative Feedback: None

Other Info:
Will you order from them again? Yes

BYC Member Name: 4-H chicken mom
Date chicks received: 7-2007
What you ordered: Meat birds (Cornish x), buff brahma bantam cochins, barred rock bantam cochins
Positive Feedback: Beautiful birds. All healthy, produced very meaty birds
Negative Feedback: None

Other Info:
Will you order from them again? Yes

BYC Member Name: new-roo
Date chicks received: 2-2007
What you ordered: Mixed pullets, got 1 roo out of 25
Positive Feedback: All healthy
Negative Feedback: None

Other Info:
Will you order from them again? Yes

BYC Member Name: OHChick
Date chicks received: October 6, 2007
What you ordered: 5 17-week-old barred rock pullets
Positive Feedback: Great, easy, excellent price (I did NOT ship, I picked them up)
Negative Feedback: None
Other Info: They do beak trim... just the top, mine are able to pick things up, and I understand why they do it when raising such a mass quantity but I wish they had not.

Will you order from them again? Absolutely
BYC Member Name: Matt Berry
Date chicks received: 5-31-2007
What you ordered: Black Australorp, Barred Rock, Silver Laced Wyandotte, Rhode Island Reds. Filled rest of the order with their fryer special
Positive Feedback: All the chicks were very healthy and active. No fatalities. Excellent customer service.
Negative Feedback: One of the SLW ended up being a roo, but that was well within the sexing guarantee

Other Info:
Will you order from them again? Yes