My swap page


These are some great books! I have read both like 2 times already! They are not for kids.
Or I also have


Home-made candles! All different colors. You can choose your colors or they can be a suprise. They weight probably an ounce maybe a little less. They do not have a smell.. (Still trying to figure the whole thing out lol. They will come in the glass containers and they will have wicks. Gonna try somethings with smells and see if I can add a smell to them. A set of three or 4. Which ever you choose.

More stuff coming...
Just now working on my swap stuff so I will have to find more stuff lol
I do have 2 hand painted signs.(Not painted by me but they are rather old.) I dont have pics of them right now but will get them soon!
I will probably have more on the 15th just give me some time to add to my collection a bit lol :)