So, it all started two years ago when I wanted a pet. Something easy to care for and very friendly and nice. I new a dog was not a good idea, nor a cat. I thought about hamsters and mice but I did not really want such a small pet. Finally I decided to think about birds, so I did. But all those birds such and finches, parakeets, etc. did not sound so easy and would be a little loud. So, then I thought about a few ducks. But ducks soon left my mind. I then thought about cows, sheep, and pigs for a short time but they are for farms and are hard to care for like cats and dogs. At least, not one of the easiest animals to care for. ;) Then, fish. I thought about fish for a few days and they seemed easy to care for. but the only con was that I could not pet them and hold them.

About two weeks later I got two betta fish. That was about 7 months ago and I still have them now! They are pretty old for a fish. Their names are rainbow and swimmer.

This is Swimmer:

And heres a picture of Rainbow:

But, I still wanted a pet I could hold and, well, "pet". So I finally decided on chickens. But when I did, it was the beginning of winter and I could not find any place to buy chicks (I wanted chicks, not chickens) except Hatcheries. But I did not want them from a hatchery. So I just had to wait until spring. :rolleyes: I waited, and waited, and waited, and then waited some more. And finally spring came!!!! So the first day TSC had chicks we were off! We had a lot of trouble deciding which breed. Our original plan was to get Austrulorps but they did not have any that day. So we ended up going back and forth a few times that day thinking we new what we wanted. Finally we new! We wanted 4 Buff Orpington's. We went again and found out the minimum you could buy was 6. So we decided to get 3 Buff Orpington's and 2 Golden Laced Wyodotte's. But after we got home, a few hours later, one of the Buff Orpington chicks seemed sick. And soon we found out it was sick. We called TSC and asked what to do, they said to make sure it could get food and water and to keep it warm. We tried that but it did not work, sadly. So we made a final trip to TSC and traded the chick for a new one. I'm pretty sure the chick died there.

When we got home with the new chick, I put her right in with the brooder with the others. I named Blamo that night. She and the other chicks became best friends.

The chicks ate and drank and grew. Today, they are almost seven weeks old and very healthy and happy! Right now they are outside in a big pen enjoying the fresh air and getting exercise.

So thats my chickens adventure! Hopefully yours did/will not turn out as bad as mine.

Cluckmecoop7 signing off.....:frow