My Feather Anatomy Guide

Very interesting! Great use of graphics!
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Reactions: Lovely Lettie
I have learnt a lot of new English words by reading this article! Who would have thought that chickens have so many different kinds of feathers, and that a feather is such a complex structure.
Thank you very much for this very educational article.
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Reactions: Lovely Lettie
Very helpful resource! I especially like the pictures of the feathers that show the difference between laced, penciling, barred, etc.
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Reactions: Lovely Lettie
I enjoyed reading this... even after 10 years of raising chickens and even breeding for about 4... there is always something left to learn.
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Reactions: Lovely Lettie
Really great information here!!
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Reactions: Lovely Lettie
I have been so curious about the feathers all over the coop and run from molt. In addition my (imperfect) birds have random mismatched feathers and now I know “pencilled” is not “laced” and “mottled” isn’t “spangled.” Thank you so much for clarifying! Nicely written and easy to read, too.
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Reactions: Lovely Lettie
Extremely informational article! Well organized and well written, it covers everything the reader might wonder about feathers and then some! I learned a lot from this article. A great read for anyone!
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Reactions: Lovely Lettie
Nice details on feathers, always good to know what our birds are wearing!
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The illustrations are especially helpful!
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Reactions: Lovely Lettie
Thanks for sharing your knowledge in such a clear, concise way!
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Reactions: Lovely Lettie
This article is a clear, concise guide to the multitude of technical terms used by some when discussing feathers and feathering. It includes diagrams to illustrate the fine differences between e.g. pencilled, mottled, spangled etc.. as well as the basics e.g. hackles and sickles. It makes an excellent reference tool.
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Reactions: Lovely Lettie
Best easy to understand information I have read in considering a breeding program of my own!

Thank you for taking the time to share your knowledge
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Reactions: Lovely Lettie
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