After months of raising chicks and saving egg cartons and waiting for eggs... and waiting for eggs... and waiting for eggs....
I thought it would be funny to take a photo of my empty cartons all stacked up on my table and post it on the first egg pages here and I write under the photo the following verse

" Now Faith is being sure of what we hope for and certain of what we do not see". Hebrews 11:1
Well.... lo and behold that same day I took this photo and put that verse down- there it was in the nest...

My First Egg!!!

SLW 21.5 weeks old (Lacy) laid this beauty and you can't tell in the nest- but it's tiny- (so cute and perfect) It almost looks pink in this photo but it's a light tan, I'll show some other pix of it in comparison.

Compared to a clothespin
After one day off- she laid a second egg- as beautiful as the first! Here they are next to a quarter.

Here they are in my hand- I have small hands so they look larger than they really are.

Well- that one wyandotte was the only layer for 3.5 more weeks when lo and behold... I got my first EE blue egg! Laid at age 24.5 weeks - I now have had 5 colored eggs- 3 green and 2 blue. There is still only one laying brown and with two wyandottes the same exact age- one of them (GLW) is being a total slacker! The SLW had laid 17 eggs before the first EE kicked in to help- I wonder how long it will be before they are all going?

This photo is that first blue egg with two wyandotte brown eggs for comparison

This is a shot of the eggs in a basket in natural light (the flash washed them out too much) to show the color differences between the green and blue but they all look the same in this photo- the one o'clock egg is the blue one the other two are green - the four left are light brown although they look pinkish in this light

November 09' Beautiful sunny day in the run