New Orleans Louisiana Chicken Ordinance

Are Chickens Allowed in this locationYes
Max Chickens AllowedN/A
Roosters AllowedYes
Permit RequiredNo
Coop RestrictionsN/A
City/Organization Contact nameArnie Fielkow City Hall, Room 2W40 1300 Perdido Street New Orleans, LA 70112 Phone: (504) 658-1060 Fax: (504) 658-1068 [email protected]
Additional InformationARTICLE VI. LIVESTOCK AND FOWL AND OTHER BIRDS Sec. 18-326. Humane treatment. Stores, shops, vendors and others offering chicks, ducklings, goslings or other live creatures for sale, raffle or as a prize, premium or advertising device or displaying chicks, ducklings or goslings or other live creatures shall provide the necessary brooders or other heating devices and shall see that such creatures shall not be overcrowded, and shall keep adequate food and water available at all times. Vendors or other persons selling any live creature shall furnish to the purchaser an instruction sheet for the proper care of same. (Code 1956, § 7-7) State law references: Similar provisions, R.S. 3:2363. Sec. 18-327. Sale of chicks, ducklings and goslings and other fowl. (a) The sale or donation of chicks, ducklings and goslings and other fowl younger than four weeks of age is prohibited except in quantities of 12 to an individual. (b) The auctioning, raffling or giving away as a prize, premium or advertising device of any fowl, chick, duckling or gosling and other fowl for the purpose of inducing trade or business or competition at public or private events is prohibited. (Code 1956, § 7-8) State law references: Similar provisions, R.S. 3:2363. Sec. 18-328. Cattle not to be driven through streets. It is hereby made an offense to drive, or to attempt to drive, through the streets of the city, cattle which arrive in the city either by boat or by railroad. (Code 1956, § 7-20) Sec. 18-329. Authority of director. The director may adopt reasonable rules and regulations governing the keeping of hogs within the city and issue annual permits therefor to such persons as may be found, after proper inspection and investigation, to have conformed strictly to such rules and regulations. (Code 1956, § 7-56) Sec. 18-330. Keeping of hogs prohibited in certain areas. It shall be unlawful for any person to keep a hog or to permit one to run at large within any of the following prescribed limits: (1) On the east bank of the Mississippi River, anywhere except in the following described area: In any part of the Third Municipal District, bounded by the south property line of Old Gentilly Road from its intersection with the west property line of Arpent Lot 74 and extending in an easterly direction to the western boundary line of Paris Road (Louisiana Highway 61) thence in a southerly direction along the western boundary of Paris Road (Louisiana Highway 61) to the existing intracoastal waterway, thence along such waterway in a westerly direction to a point of intersection with the western boundary of Arpent Lot 74, as projected, thence in a northerly direction to the Old Gentilly Road and the point of beginning. (2) In the Fifth Municipal District (Algiers), anywhere except in the portion lying east of intracoastal canal, alternate route and bounded by intracoastal canal, alternate route, Mississippi River and the Orleans-Plaquemines Parish line. (Code 1956, § 7-54) State law references: Similar provisions, R.S. 3:2891 et seq. Sec. 18-331. Hogs may be kept only under satisfactory conditions. It shall be unlawful for any person to keep a hog on any premises except under conditions satisfactory to the director. (Code 1956, § 7-55) Sec. 18-332. Treatment and removal of manure. (a) Any person, whether as owner or occupant, having or permitting on his premises less than six horses, mules, cows or other animals shall remove or cause to be removed daily all manure and straw, hay or similar material used for bedding and contaminated with manure or urine from the stalls, barns and other areas occupied by such animals, which matter shall be stored in leakproof containers have solid metal covers, tightly fitted so as to render the contents thereof inaccessible to flies. All such stored matter shall be removed from such premises not less than twice weekly from March 15 to December 1 and not less than once each week from December first to March 15. (b) Any person, whether as owner or occupant, having or permitting on his premises more than five horses, mules, cows or other animals shall remove or cause to be removed daily all manure and straw, hay or similar material used for bedding and contaminated with manure or urine from the stalls, barns and other areas occupied by such animals, which matter shall be stored either in leakproof containers having solid metal covers, tightly fitted so as to render the contents thereof inaccessible to flies, or in leakproof containers the bottoms of which shall be treated daily with a chemical or chemicals approved by the health department, the contents of which containers and the areas surrounding such containers within the distance of not less than 20 feet from all outside walls of such containers shall be sprayed daily with a fly-deterrent chemical or chemicals approved by the health department. All such containers shall be emptied, and the contents thereof shall be removed from the premises daily. The area in and around all barns and stables housing such animals shall be sprayed not less than once each week with a fly-deterrent chemical or chemicals approved by the health department. (c) Whoever violates the provisions of this section shall be fined not less than $50.00 nor more than $100.00 or imprisoned for not more than 90 days or both such fine and imprisonment. Each day any person continues to violate any provision of this section shall constitute a separate offense. (Code 1956, § 29-60) Cross references: Nuisances, § 66-241 et seq. Sec. 18-333. Use of manure as fertilizer. From June 1 to October 1 manure shall not be used as a fertilizer on gardens, sidewalks, lots or other open areas unless and until thoroughly mixed with soil and so covered with soil that flies will not be attracted thereto. (Code 1956, § 29-61) Sec. 18-334. Dumping or storing manure. No manure shall be dumped and left on the street, sidewalk, alley or open area or lot in any inhabited section nor be used to grade, in whole or in part, any sidewalk, street, alley, open area or lot in any such section. Any site used as a public dump for manure shall not be within 300 feet of any building used in whole or in part for dwelling purposes. (Code 1956, § 29-62) Sec. 18-335. Conveying manure through the streets. Manure shall be conveyed through the streets of the city in such vehicles only as are properly protected against flies by suitable covering. (Code 1956, § 29-63) Sec. 18-336. Manure stacked for fertilizing purposes. All manure stacked or piled for fertilizing purposes, on any truck farm or garden in a thickly settled neighborhood shall be so stacked or piled at a distance of not less than 25 feet from any building used, in whole or in part, for dwelling purposes and shall be stored in a closed bin or screened receptacle so as to prevent access of flies thereto. (Code 1956, § 29-64) Sec. 18-337. Agent responsible in owner\'s absence. Wherever any duty is put upon the owner of any premises, stable, lot, open area or public place, in this article, in the owner\'s absence, the agent of such owner shall comply with the provisions of this article and for the purposes thereof any person receiving or collecting rent or attending to such property in any manner shall be deemed to be the agent of the owner. (Code 1956, § 29-65) Sec. 18-338. Information to be filed by person keeping horses or mules. Every person within the limits of the city, having one or more horses or mules housed or stabled within the city shall file with the department of health on a blank especially prepared for this purpose by the department the following information: Name of the owner; number and kind of animals housed or stabled on the premises; address of place (street and number) where the animals are stabled and such other information as the department may deem necessary for the enforcement of proper sanitary regulations on the premises. (Code 1956, § 29-57) Sec. 18-339. Pigeons not to be allowed at large. It shall be unlawful for any person owning or harboring pigeons to allow them to go at large within the city. But this section shall not be construed to prohibit the flying, racing or exercising of the Antwerp or homing pigeon at such time that such flying, racing or exercising shall be under the continuous personal supervision of a person or the agent of a person owning or harboring such Antwerp or homing pigeons. (Code 1956, § 7-14) State law references: Killing or catching when banded prohibited, penalty, R.S. 56:122. Sec. 18-340. Feeding birds in Jackson Square area. (a) It shall be unlawful for any person to dispense or distribute feed for or to feed any bird or fowl or throw or place on the ground any bread, breadcrumbs, seed, bird food, popcorn, or similar food in the area bounded by Decatur Street, St. Peter Street, Royal Street and St. Ann Street in the Vieux Carre area of the city. (b) The provisions of this section shall not apply to any person who is authorized in writing by the director of the department of health to feed or dispense to birds or fowl food or food containing birth control drugs or chemicals. Any informational signs placed in the aforementioned area in connection with the enforcement of this section shall be approved by the Vieux Carre Commission and the superintendent of the parkway and parks commission. (c) The provisions of this section shall be enforced by summons. The fine for violations of the provisions of this section shall be a fine of not more than $25.00. Upon discovery of a violation of this section, agents of the department of police or the Vieux Carre Commission shall issue a summons to the person found in violation of this section. The summons shall be returnable to the municipal court, where the defendant shall be served by affidavit. (Code 1956, § 7-15.1) Cross references: Streets, sidewalks and other public places, ch. 146. Sec. 18-341. Killing animals, birds or wild fowl in public squares, parks or designated bird sanctuaries prohibited. (a) In any public square, park or designated bird sanctuary, it shall be unlawful for any person to molest or kill any bird, fowl or animal, to trap, hunt, shoot or attempt to shoot or molest in any manner any bird or wild fowl or to rob bird nests therein. Provided, however, if starlings or similar birds are found to be congregating in such numbers in a particular locality that they constitute a nuisance or menace to health or property in the opinion of the director then in such event the director shall meet with representatives of the Audubon Society, bird club, garden club or humane society, or as many of such organizations as are found to exist in the city, after having given at least three days\' actual notice of the time and place of such meeting to the representatives of such organizations. If as a result of such meeting, no satisfactory alternative is found to abate such nuisance, then such birds may be destroyed in such numbers and in such manner as is deemed advisable by the director. (b) The entire area known as the Lake Vista Subdivision which is bounded by Robert E. Lee Boulevard, Marconi Drive, Lakeshore Drive and Beauregard Avenue is hereby designated as a bird sanctuary. (c) The entire area known as Joe W. Brown Park which is bounded by Read Road to the west, proposed Wright Road to the east, Lake Forest Boulevard to the north, and Dwyer Road to the south, is hereby designated as a bird sanctuary. (d) The area known as Tall Timbers Subdivision which is bounded by General DeGaulle Drive, Woodland Drive, proposed Tullis Drive, and the drainage servitude canal which bounds Tall Timbers Subdivision to the west is hereby designated as a bird sanctuary. (e) That area bounded by Robert E. Lee Boulevard from West End Boulevard to the Outfall Canal and extending to Lake Pontchartrain on north, known as East and West Lakeshore is hereby designated as a bird sanctuary and shall be called \"Lakeshore Bird Sanctuary.\" (f) The entire area known as the Village de L\'est Subdivision which is bounded by Bayou Chef to the south, the Michot Line to the west, and North Lemans Street and Bayou Michot to the north and the east, is hereby designated as a bird sanctuary. (g) The entire area known as Walnut Bend, which is bounded by the north side of MacArthur Boulevard, the Magellan Canal and General Collins Avenue on the west, the south side of General Meyer Avenue, and Kabel Drive on the east, is hereby designated as a bird sanctuary. (h) That area bounded by Downman Road, Crowder Boulevard, Morrison Road and Hayne Boulevard is hereby designated as a bird sanctuary. (i) That area bounded by a line from the intersection of the Maxent Canal and Interstate 10; south along Maxent Canal and Chef Menteur Highway; west along Chef Menteur Highway to Levee 33; northward along Levee 33, including Parcels 1-B and 11-E to the Michoud line; then in a northerly direction along the Michoud line to Interstate 10; easterly along Interstate 10 to the Maxent Canal; is hereby designated as a bird sanctuary and shall be called \"New Orleans East Bird Sanctuary.\" (j) That area bounded by Read Boulevard, I-10 Service Road East, Bullard Avenue and Lake Forest Boulevard is hereby designated as a bird sanctuary. (k) That area bounded by Poland Avenue, North Roman Street, Pauline Street and St. Claude Avenue is hereby designated as a bird sanctuary. (l) That area of neutral ground in Bullard Avenue bounded by Morrison Road and Wales Street is hereby designated as a bird sanctuary. (m) That area known as Longue Vue House and Gardens, which is bounded by Palmetto Street, I-10 Service Road West, Metairie Road and Bamboo Road, is hereby designated as a bird sanctuary. (n) That area known as Brechtel Park, which is bounded by Lennox Boulevard, Tullis Drive, Algiers Outfall Canal and Farrar Canal, is hereby designated as a bird sanctuary. (o) That area bounded by Robert E. Lee Boulevard from Bayou St. John to the London Avenue Outfall Canal and extending to Lake Pontchartrain north, known as Lake Terrace, is hereby designated as a bird sanctuary and shall be called \"Lake Terrace Bird Sanctuary.\" (Code 1956, § 7-16; M.C.S., Ord. No. 17,209, § 1, 9-21-95; M.C.S., Ord. No. 20791, § 1, 7-12-02; M.C.S., Ord. No. 21923, § 1, 4-21-05) Cross references: Streets, sidewalks and other public places, ch. 146. State law references: Similar provisions, R.S. 56:761.
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Information Last Updated2010-03-21 00:00:00

NOTE: This information was submitted by a member of our chicken forum. Please make sure to double check that this information is accurate before you proceed with raising chickens. Learn more about local chicken laws and ordinances.