Orlando Florida Chicken Ordinance

Are Chickens Allowed in this locationYes
Max Chickens Allowed30-Orlando adopted the Orange Country rules in 1991
Roosters AllowedYes
Permit RequiredNo
Coop RestrictionsProximity restrictions and sanitation rules apply
City/Organization Contact name
Additional InformationThe raising or keeping of poultry for domestic purposes shall be a permitted use, provided that it is limited to thirty (30) birds or less, and the lot is located a minimum of one hundred (100) feet from all residential zoned districts. All pens, enclosures, or waste disposal activities shall not be located any closer than fifty (50) feet from the property line or one hundred (100) feet from a residential dwelling unit and shall not be located any closer than fifty (50) feet from the normal high water elevation of any natural water body. (\"Poultry\" shall mean domestic fowl such as chickens, roosters, turkeys, ducks, geese, pigeons, hens, quails, pheasants and squabs.) Illegal to: (11) Dye or color artificially any animal or fowl, including but not limited to, rabbits, baby chickens and ducklings. (12) Sell, offer for sale or give away for purposes of premiums, pets or toys, any baby chicken, duckling, or other fowl under four (4) weeks of age or rabbit under two (2) months of age.
Link for more Informationhttp://library.municode.com/index.aspx?clientId=10182&stateId=9&stateName=Florida
Information Last Updated2010-03-26 12:10:53

NOTE: This information was submitted by a member of our chicken forum. Please make sure to double check that this information is accurate before you proceed with raising chickens. Learn more about local chicken laws and ordinances.