Katie's First Chicken Coop
It was cold here in Michigan this Spring. I built the coop in sections that could be put together easily and quickly. The plan was to make a 8' x 8' walk in coop elevated 2 feet to allow the chickens area under for shade and storm protection.
I built all the walls, floor and ceiling/Roof as stud walls in our heated garage. We used 20# of Screws to make everything sturdy. You can see walls leaning against wall in our barn. This picture shows board we attached to bottom of floor to help it stay square.
The Floor is 8' x 8' 16"o/c and doubled 2x4's in center for 3/4" plywood support. We purchased Treated 2x4s, we had the 3/4" Plywood. Purchased screws, 3 -8' Treated 4x4 Post for 2' legs and skids, leg braces and bolts for braces. We flippped the floor stud wall upside down on top of our Bobcat Trailer to attached legs and skids then to move from garage to location and then put plywood on.
This is the first wall up. It measures 8' wide x 6' high. The angle brace will be taken off once other walls are attached. Note: We used the 2 x 4 we temp attached to floor to help hold the bottom of the wall and for lining up. Wall is screwed into floor and one side has angle board going from floor to top side edge to keep in place. Thats me all bundled up. Isn't it Spring Yet???
Next wall up this one is framed for a 30"x 80" new Storm Door and 20"x54" re-use window. Houston we have a small problem - the stud wall over the window opening is not going to work with shed roof angle. 8' high in front with a 6' low back wall. Thats my DH
Front wall up - see chicken opening.
Next picture shows last wall up and we have fixed Door wall and put 2x4's up on top to support Roof stud wall.
It started to drizzle so we tarped floor it try and keep it dry. Sorry last picture is on it's side. End of a Friday Eve. and the coop is put together and it only took about a hour. I'm standing inside to see if it will stay dry inside as rain is in the forcast for next several days.
More pictures and plans for our coop coming.

It was cold here in Michigan this Spring. I built the coop in sections that could be put together easily and quickly. The plan was to make a 8' x 8' walk in coop elevated 2 feet to allow the chickens area under for shade and storm protection.
I built all the walls, floor and ceiling/Roof as stud walls in our heated garage. We used 20# of Screws to make everything sturdy. You can see walls leaning against wall in our barn. This picture shows board we attached to bottom of floor to help it stay square.
The Floor is 8' x 8' 16"o/c and doubled 2x4's in center for 3/4" plywood support. We purchased Treated 2x4s, we had the 3/4" Plywood. Purchased screws, 3 -8' Treated 4x4 Post for 2' legs and skids, leg braces and bolts for braces. We flippped the floor stud wall upside down on top of our Bobcat Trailer to attached legs and skids then to move from garage to location and then put plywood on.

Next wall up this one is framed for a 30"x 80" new Storm Door and 20"x54" re-use window. Houston we have a small problem - the stud wall over the window opening is not going to work with shed roof angle. 8' high in front with a 6' low back wall. Thats my DH

Next picture shows last wall up and we have fixed Door wall and put 2x4's up on top to support Roof stud wall.

It started to drizzle so we tarped floor it try and keep it dry. Sorry last picture is on it's side. End of a Friday Eve. and the coop is put together and it only took about a hour. I'm standing inside to see if it will stay dry inside as rain is in the forcast for next several days.
More pictures and plans for our coop coming.