Received 8 Easter Egger eggs from ebay on Friday Febuary 25, 2011. Let them sit from 11 am to 8:30 am Saturday 26th then into the homemade bator. A friend brought 5 more pretty olive green eggs to me at work Sat afternoon and they went into the bator at 5:30 pm. I"m letting the shipped eggs sit until Monday afternoon and I turned the others a couple times so far (it's now 12:45 pm Sunday). Last night I had to leave the house and when I came back 3.5 hours later the temp in the bator had spiked to 106. I plan to candle on Friday (3/4) or Saturday (3/5/11) to see what's what. If I get ANY chicks I will be thrilled! This is my first incubating attemp as an adult! I hatched chicken eggs for Science Fair in 5th grade. I don't remember a whole lot about the details of that experience but I do remember enjoying the anticipation and excitement of the hatch! At the time I had no idea you would be able to hear the chicks peeps BEFORE they were out of the egg! We didn't candle the eggs then but I will be doing that this time.