As you can see I love pink flowers, and pink eggs, and I love Chickens! I am hooked! I finally found my nitch in life. Raising chickens and gardening. I have 11 chickens and one youngin rooster. I am trying to get a variety of chickens as many as I can get. I also, like many other pink lovers here want to get my hands on some pink chicken layers.
I have 2 buff orpingtons that are a little over 5 months old. 1 welsummer and 1 maran that are laying, and 5- 3 month olds 1 brahma, 2 white leghorns and 2 red sexlinks. I also have 2 babies 1 Easter Egger and 1 welsumer. My rooster is almost 6 months and he is just learning to crow. In fact this weekend we were out in the barn and he did his first crow for us. He was showing off. I got so excited I got to see his first crow! I also have a persian cat named Bernie and a lil doggie named BeBe.
One Hub and one son at home temporarily and one future daughter in law here too. Have a wonderful view of Mt. St. Helens. One huge garden I am trying to get going and another son and daughter who is almost ready to give birth to my second grand daughter.
I am in the market for more chickens and especially a chicken that will lay me a pink egg! Thanks for visiting and please friend me! I need lotsa advice from all you pros. Pinky Chick
New Addition to the flock: One momma Salmon faverolle
with 10 babies. That makes 23 chickens! Think I need to stop.