We started with 6 chickens and a 4x4 homemade coop, with a 6x8 run. Well we bought a few juvies and raised a few chickies and now we are busting out at the seams. We looked around to see what our options were; buy a prebuilt shed, build our own, heck we even looked at the arrow metal sheds. We finally found this one at lowe's. We trade a little more expense for a lot less building time, (See, I'm right in the middle of a complete rennovation of our 1929 acadian farm house, the last thing I have is excess time. So here it is, step by step sorta.
Day 0: Look it comes in a two 4x6 shrink wrapped boxes, now how do I get that out of the truck? One piece at a time!
Day 0: Look it comes in a two 4x6 shrink wrapped boxes, now how do I get that out of the truck? One piece at a time!
Before we could start construction, we had to move the old coop out of the way. Why, oh why did we bury that fencing on the bottom of the run? Oh well a pick axe and a good son should do it! Wow a lot of work for the first evening, construction starts tomorrow!
I just hate it when the home owners show up at the job site!
The end of day 1. Got a lot accomplished tonight. Have a lot to figure out. My netting will be in the way when I start the gables and rafters tomorrow, need to figure that out. Man I am ready for a cold one!
DAY 3: Well we finished the "shed" today. The temps down here were in the high 90's with 90+ humidity, made this fun. Tomorrow we start the conversion from shed to coop.
So while I about died in the heat/humidity, the homeowners were enjoying a cool treat.
Day 4: Well today we added the metal roof, painted added 2 of 6 windows:
Day 5: Well we had computer problems for the last few days, here is the latest update. Roosts are in (thanks, LaSombra) and the floor is down, we used left over VCT from our deck, the front windows are in as is the pop door. All that's left is the side windows and nesting boxes.
Day 6: Didn't get as much done today as I wanted. But got the first set of 4 nesting boxes in and the juvies will spend the night in the coop tonight. Tomorrow I hope to move the smaller coop over to it's original run and add the dog run and move everyone in! I still have some more windows to install and the other quad box, but I have enough boxes for my currnet layers. Boy the nesting box took alot longer then I thought.
Day 7: Well pretty much finished, will add another nesting 4-plex and windows above the boxes and probably smaller ones in the doors. We will eventually be housing 21 hens and 2 Roos. Here it is attached to the secure run.