Welcome to our BYC page. Here you'll find everything we have for our silly chickens, and a little about us.
I'm the "A" part of RAIMNEL, RAIMNEL stands for everyone in our family. My husband Randy and I (Amy) live in Wisconsin with our 5 kids (4 boys I,M,N,E and 1 girl L). We live on ruffly 5 acres, near a very small town and have to travel 15 min to a store (30+ min if we want more of a selection). We have 2 dogs (Judah, a black golden retriever, and Mocha a Lassa shih a poo) we have 2 twin black cats (Jackie and Blackie), 4 Chocolate 'scovie ducks and as of 3/2010 we had 14 chickens! 7 Easter Eggers (Brownie (roo), Carmel, Sweetie, Goldie, Marge, Chatty Patty and B.) 4 Buff Brahma Bantams (Brahma Roo, and 3 Brahma Mamas) and 3 b/b/s Silkies (Silkie Roo who is a splash, Splash who is a splash and Sparkles who is black). click---> June 2009 Chicks to see them. We have decided that 14 chickens is NOT enough!
So mid March we set 22 eggs in our homemade incubator named the Egg-U-Bator (). And on Easter weekend we had 14 hatch (1 died a week later) :O(see below
Click ----> Easter 2010 Chicks to see them!
As though that wasn't enough we set 14 eggs (12 silkie, 2 EE) in our 'bator on 4/9/10 and 12 hatched 4/29-30.
click ----> April 29 & 30 2010 Chicks to see these cuties!
at this time we had to..... ummmmm. send our EE roo to freezer camp, he attacked my daughter!
now and as though THAT wasn't enough, We ordered 15 (but got 18) chicks on May 12th ish (Brown and White Leghorns and Rhode Island Reds)
not counting fatties (cornish X)
Here's some pictures of our set ups
Our Coop (which on this picture is not done yet, guess I'm gonna have to get a new picture )
Our house and other buildings were built by my husbands grandparents. This is an old building that was on our land when we got it. It was originaly in town behind the bar that was owned by my husbands great grandparents, and was used as a rentable place just to lay your head. Later, it was moved here to be used for ducks and geese. Any ways as much as history interests me, that's enough of a history lesson from me.
Our Fatties tractor (which we're changing up a little for this summer)
Our Old brooder box (made from our cardboard bed box, 6' 6" x 32" ish) 2009
Our NEW Brooder Box 2010 (hand made by my husband the enabler)
This one is 7' x 3' and it folds up so 2 people can carry it. Which helps in getting it in and out of the basement.
click ---> brooder box to see more
Our Egg-U-Bator
click ---> Egg-U-Bator to see how it's made!
Have you been keeping count how many we have now? 56, not including the fatties (most we had 119,7/2010) update 11/8/10 we now have 37, we sold some and one died UPDATE (6/2011) we currently have 167 +/- birds running amuk around here! most are for meat, however we have NO cornish X this year.
I'm thinking we have enough now!! :O)
Thanks for looking
Lovin' Life and the Lord ~ Amy