Day 3
Age: 1 week 2 days
Date: June 30th 2011

The Chicks were rather noisy during the night, but their heat lamp light was turned on, turning it off made them sleep. This morning the chicks were moved into a new bigger tub. This tub was originally used as a deeper horse trough. I cleaned every crack so my babies would have a new clean home! As the day before their feed was replenished and new water with electrolytes were put back into their tank.

They seem to be knowledgeable of my voice now, they seem calmer when I speak. They were very rambunctious today! They also liked more space in their tub also, which I believe played a part in their restlessness. Twice today one of the leghorns jumped on top of the feeder to take a look around! We shooed her off as soon as possible!

They went through ANOTHER jar of feed during the afternoon. The Black Sex Link, which we named Loretta, is one of the calmest and most friendly chicks we own. I got her out to see what Bubba, our Chihuahua, would think of this new bird. At fist she was rather scared, but by the end, she was ready to play! Before too much ‘Playing’ could happen, I put Loretta back with her sisters.

The chicks are now asleep. FINALLY! Food is refilled, and water is free of wood chips, ready for a long night! Tomorrow will be a very special day because my Chicks will grow even more!