We have recently moved from the mountains of Southern California to a rural area of Southeaster OK that allows us to have chickens and cows and now we have the property to lead a more self sustaining lifestyle. When we moved in to the small ranch I purchased 30 chicks and raised them in a brooder box and a small outdoor area during the day until they were bigger. While they growing we transformed one of the old out buildings into a hen house. (Probably the worst mistake I made!) All but 2 of my 6 month old hens were wiped out in one night by a passel of opossums. I had left one Golden Laced Wyandot and one Rhode Island Red both hens. I was heart broken.
So I started again. I know have 5 Silver Laced Wyandot Hens, 6 Rhode Island Red hens and one rooster, 6 Golden Laced Wyandot hens and one Black Astroplope hen. I just hatched some of their eggs and while a mix of RIR rooster and the other hens the chicks are doing really well. This is my second batch the first batch was sold at once to a neighbor. This batch was 18 and they will all be sold to someone who placed an order for some chicks. I have just ordered 15 Buff Orpington and 15 lavender guinea; I am only keeping 5 of the guinea the others are going to folks who wanted guinea and asked to split an order.
The flock keeps getting bigger. I really enjoy watching them free-range the property they are so funny to watch and frequently I catch myself laughing out loud at their antics. Eggs sales are great and they totally pay for themselves and then some. Out ranch includes 20 acres 6 heifers, an ever growing flock, 5 cats and to yellow Labrador Retrievers.