Ah my humble coop. The orange construction mesh looks worse in the pics than it does up close. The birds are looking full grown now but aren't yet 4 months old. Yesterday I redid the floor of their coop to make a drop down door with a much shorter and less steep ramp for them to use. Due to the layout of the property here everything is on a slope of one grade or another. I also got their nesting boxes spruced up a bit too. Seems there are always things to upgrade and improve upon and all ya'll constantly show me ideas and ways to keep me busy with my latest obsession!! chickens!!! I still have 3 roosters and 4 hens and with every day that passes I know it is a day closer to the demise of a rooster. Perhaps they know that if they crow they must go. I wish I could find someone to just trade me out hens for rosters but there usually isn't much call for that. The roo that was the runt has now grown and is nearly indistinguishable from the others, but by size and friendly personality. On the other hand I should be sure to have fertile eggs when they get that part figured out. :-D The sun is coming up and time to let them out to play.





