Today I started Signature Series Coop 006. After discussion some details with the client two things stood out in importance.....old barn and portable. So after a couple weeks of looking I picked up the right trailer to build the coop on. I stopped by the steel yard on the way hope just to get a couple things and totally scored. This 1930,s axle and spoke wheels is perfect for this coop. This is going to be fun.
First attempt not so good. Went out and towed a trailer home that night. 
The next day we discovered that it had somehow mysteriously turned into a pile of rust on two wheels during the night.
Useful parts? None. Axel to wide to heavy and the tires didn't match. Scrap pile.

Second attempt not so good.This is a boat trailer.
To long, to heavy, suspension to unstable to support weight, tires undersized and under capacity.
Two questions being asked right now:Why and when.
Why did I bring this home & when did the 100# anvil fall out of the sky and hit me in the head ?

Specific locations are figured and measured out on the red blueprint on the floor.
Thinking : center of gravity, light weight, coil spring, leaf spring, sway bar, ladder bar, height, weight, strength, stability, drop down clean out panel, drawer , pop door, ramp, roost, nest boxes, windows , vents, carriage bolts, third fold up wheel, roof, gutters and I have it all figured out.
I Sand Blasted the axle and wheels down to as close to bare metal as I could get.

These are what I like to use to prepare metal:

wire wheels, sand paper, steel wool ,
garnet, vinegar, navel jelly, zinc oxide, red oxide prim er, and a whole lot of elbow grease.

I picked up the square tubing and other materials from the steel yard.
I dug the 2 inch out from a pile , it is a perfect size and weight.

I ripped down and planed 2x2,s for framing.

3/4 plywood was primed painted and installed for the main floor