I am new to BYC and looking forward to learning more about chickens and discussing there funny personalities. I live in Northern California and have 6 girls, Millie, Nillie, Tillie, Chillie, Dillie and Billie. M & N are Barred Rock, T & C are Production Reds, and D & B are Australorps. They were purchased as 1 day old chicks locally at Alamo Feed on 10/7/09.
We will be celebrating their 1 year old birthday soon!
This is the incredible Hen House my wonderful, crafty, talented, good looking husband has built for the girls. A copper roof was installed by my daughter's boyfriend. The drop down seat is hinged and folds up and is latched in place so the girls can't use it when I'm not. These are just some of the upgrades to this one of a kind coop. I have pictures of construction from start to finish if you would like to see them. But the pictures of the finished product tell it all...I simply love it and the girls do too!


