Coop Build - Assembly

I built the floor and the walls off-site on our mini back patio, because that was the only reasonably flat, solid work surface I had. The wall frames were getting quite heavy already, so I decided to hold off on putting the OSB on, until they were assembled on-site. This is the only part of construction that I needed manual help with, so I got my husband and a neighbor to help me move the heavy floor and wall frames to their final location.





There was rain in the forecast, so I put a tarp over it to protect it until the roof goes up:

OSB is up:


I gathered from the BYC experts that ventilation is very important for a healthy coop, so I left plenty. The top half a foot on all the walls is left open.


Here are the vents with the roof on (the roof gets its own page - check it out for the build photos):


Next page: Coop Build - Roof
Previous page: Coop Build - Walls