Almost - Completed Chicken Palace or as my wife calls it the "Chilton"

Chicken Dance Floor (makes it easier to clean out by using lino tiles). We found these at Habitat for Humanity. We covered these with sand now.

Rainwater return system is incorporated into the auto-watering for chickens to make sure they've always got water.

Close-up of the Auto-Water system for the chickens, just took some PVC piping and tapped it for the feeder nipples then ran it into a rainwater-return system we built.

Another angle of the auto-water / rainwater return system we put in place.

Auto-Chicken Feeder, just lift the top and fill it with feed and it will keep filling the bottom trough.

Completed Palace for the Chickens.

4 Black Cooper Marans
2 Buff Orphingtons.
Gibsons, BC