The difference between Hens and Roosters

Not bad, but could use a bit more information. I like all the pictures!
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Very good, easy to understand article. Maybe a bit more detail would help? Like, what is different about the hens sickle/saddle/hackle feathers?
Could’ve been better written and gone into more detail. It’s alright.
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I’m glad you started with the definitions of hen, rooster, pullet, and cockerel. You’ve chosen some excellent photo examples to show the physical differences. And although I agree in general about your comparison of hen/rooster combs and wattles I also find that some breeds have females with huge combs and wattles. My own white leghorn Matilda, who passed away last week sadly, would put many roosters to shame with her voluptuous headdress bits. Naïve visitors would comment on my “small rooster”. All in all this was a very good article. Thank you for sharing it with us
Well written with good information for beginners.
More photos and examples would probably help.
A nice overview of the basics.

I like the fact that you showed the comb difference on the same breed -- a lot of information sources don't use male and female of the same breed. It would be helpful to do the same with other breeds with other comb types.

You might mention auto-sexing breeds.

Also you might address confusing things like Columbian patterning making hens' saddles and hackles look pointed when they're not and link to some of the informative threads/articles on sexing difficult breeds.
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well done
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