A dear friend of mine had a bantam hen to hatch out a clucth of chicks that she thought we just had to have. Being infected with the chicken sickenss, we were unable to disagree. I wanted to build a coop for them that was seperate from the main coop. I also wanted this mini-coop to be useful beyond the bantams. I began designing by looking through all the different coops on BYC. I took ideas from several different coops. As I was looking for any scrap lumber to use, I ran across some old roofing in a barn on our property. This roofing coupled with the chosen location for the coop dictated the size of the coop. I built the coop along the back of my garage to cut down on costs and because it was the most logical place in the yard.
The coop portion is 4' x 4' not including the exterior nest boxes. The large door on the front of the coop is great for when we need to reach all the way back into a corner to clean or catch an uncooperative chicken.
The window to the left will have a plexi-glass panel installed when the temps begin to drop.
The run portion of the coop is 4' x 15'. The coop is in our backyard which has 4' welded wire and two strands of electric wire all around.
The pop door assembly allows us to open and close the door without entering the run. We just let the door down in the evening after everyone has gone to roost.
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