The Old Red Barn
This barn has been peacefully sitting on our property for years with no use but storage until I got ready for chickens. It has two separate coops inside: one for my free range and laying flock, the other for the Phoenixes. Each coop has a separate door that goes out into their runs. Just thought I'd share their living quarters with you!
you can see runs off the right and left side Main View,
she's a little faded, but hey! She's old! Chickens enter in and out of run & coop from opening on left side.Side View,
Laying Flock Coop Entrance, There is a run in back of me if they ever need to be shut in for the day. I enter in coop from main door into Feed and Care area.

Phoenix run, the phoenixes have a run all to themselves and separate sleeping quarters inside. Plenty of tree branches to climb on :)

Inside, view of the nesting boxes. Very roomy area for the girls as they stay in there the majority of the time during our harsh Minnesota winters.

I love hearing feedback and comments so please feel free to PM me!