It was in late August of 2011. I went to the fair with my parents and we walked through a petting station part. We saw the machinery and went over to the animals. We walked through the pig pen and then came to the chickens. They were beautiful white leghorn hens and black leghorn roos. My dad said, “Well, pick one up!” He demonstrated how to pick them up correctly so I went for a beautiful girl. I picked her up and stroked her for a while. Then, I put her down and left.

After we had seen everything else, I ran back through to the same one and stood there with her in my arms, asleep for about an hour and a half! I was so happy that my mom had to drag me out. At the time, in my city, chickens were illegal. I was so devastated that I wrote a 4 page letter to my councilman, and then revised it to 1 page.

Two hours later, I got a response saying that he would vote “yea” in the January 17th, 2012 vote. I then was very happy and started looking up how to care for them. Then, I just busied myself for the long months until the vote. Then, on January 18th, 2012, my teacher was talking about an urban chicken bill passed. I leapt out of my seat and told him all about it. I was so excited that when I saw my mom at the end of the day, I told her and looked up what districts it was passed in. I found that my district allowed them, up to 6 hens.

Then, my mom said that in March I would get them. 3 days later, when my 2 good friends were sleeping over on my birthday, my mom said we were going on a surprise trip. They blind folded me and drove to a breeder! I did not expect it at all! I was ecstatic! A kind lady came out and led us to some brooders. She said she had some chicks for us. I asked my mom how many we would get, she said, “Go ahead, and get two!” My mom and dad decided that we wanted an ameraucana and a production red. I picked the two I wanted and named the red Penny and the ameraucana Gertrude. Meanwhile, my sister and her friend were looking at some others. My sister chose a little Barred Plymouth Rock and eventually named her Maggie.

A month later, we built a small green coop and got a wire run for free. They were finally settled in and were loving it!

Lots and lots of love and care and 5 months later, we have lost Gertrude and gained Maisy and Daisy. We added a little coop and got another run to make a huge chicken condo! I am getting a silkie in August at that same fair. I am very excited and love my girls. Maggie and Penny love to have dried mealworms and egg noodles now, and Maisy and Daisy are just now old enough for dried mealworms in my opinion so they love them as well.

J Wish me luck with my girls! Love ya!