[FONT=impact,chicago] Hey thair everyone!!
I'm Michelle, I'm a young, expierienced animal raiser, but I'm new to birds. I have 4 cochins, a mystery cock, 1 faverolle cockeral, 2 pekin ducks, 1 crested pekin, 2 cochin frizzle/3 silkie chicks. I'll be getting a chinese goose pullet soon. Hopefully.
I've had my fair share of misfourtunes. I had 2 crested pekin ducks, and my male, Jerri, was mauled by a racoon earlier this year (2010), and just last month, my 4 month old Chinese goose pullet, Miu (Beautiful Feather) disappeared.
So far our new chicks are doing well, we lost one whom was sick, but other than that the babies are good. My friends Faverolle cockeral had fowl pox, which has cleared up now, thank god. It was worrying us for a while. (BTW 'us' reffers to my schools' FFA Poultry commitee.) SOOOOOOO, That's that.
INTRO: Hi, My names Michelle. I like music, animals, photography, all of my birds, except for my mystery cock, Jack Daniel's, He's a mean one. UMM, I show Poultry, Rabbits, and Sheep at fairs. (Wouldn't you like to know where!) So, if you want to know more, or just chat about birds and life. Give me a buzz.

I'm Michelle, I'm a young, expierienced animal raiser, but I'm new to birds. I have 4 cochins, a mystery cock, 1 faverolle cockeral, 2 pekin ducks, 1 crested pekin, 2 cochin frizzle/3 silkie chicks. I'll be getting a chinese goose pullet soon. Hopefully.
I've had my fair share of misfourtunes. I had 2 crested pekin ducks, and my male, Jerri, was mauled by a racoon earlier this year (2010), and just last month, my 4 month old Chinese goose pullet, Miu (Beautiful Feather) disappeared.

So far our new chicks are doing well, we lost one whom was sick, but other than that the babies are good. My friends Faverolle cockeral had fowl pox, which has cleared up now, thank god. It was worrying us for a while. (BTW 'us' reffers to my schools' FFA Poultry commitee.) SOOOOOOO, That's that.
INTRO: Hi, My names Michelle. I like music, animals, photography, all of my birds, except for my mystery cock, Jack Daniel's, He's a mean one. UMM, I show Poultry, Rabbits, and Sheep at fairs. (Wouldn't you like to know where!) So, if you want to know more, or just chat about birds and life. Give me a buzz.