The original crew

Sadly this year we suffered our first neighbor dog attack We lost 4 of our Ladies and I had to lock up the rest of the Ladies. No one likes a plain jail so I added a nice chair and table for my coffee and some plants that the Ladies liked out in the yard. DH also let me use the pool cover to add shade for us

Now at the same time we also had 12 babies growing up in the house.

They change so fast but here are the littles:
The LF's
Gold Lace Cochin


Growing big.
Blue Cochin

Little Foot since her feet look so big

Georgie - she always needs to know what is going on

The Bantam Cochins
self Blue's

Lulu is turning out to be quite a Romeo, he comes when we crow.

Lulu - who is a roo roo. but gets to keep his girly name

The Frizzles

This is Little Nitty she lives in the house with a big ole Kitty (for now)
Little Nitty did not get the frizzle gene it appears.

This is Needle she lets me know what to type she is too small to hit the keys for BYC.

The Silkies
Blue Silkies

Baby bear is in the nest she is Broody. I let her have some eggs.

Baby Bear She had some trouble at first and I was able to help her with the help of the people here at BYC
The second pic is just a pose she did not get up or down by herself.

Chipchip is a rooster! and a good one.

Chip chip Named because she is always talking
Chip chip has now become BFF's with my son they look for *hoppers ala Grass* together and he follows Tom everywhere he goes in the yard.

Buff Silkies

Sunshine she is a morning girl.

Buffy she got pecked in the head and was all wonky I received the best advice on BYC separated the brooders LF brooder and Bantam brooder. She is doing well now. But still shakes her head when she hears my voice

They are growing so very fast they moved outside now and are still separated. We put the LF's in an old Dog Kennel near the big coop so they can chat with the older ladies.

i added an old dog coop to be a temp chickie coop but they all still like to sleep together in the cat carrier I brought them outside in.

The bantams are in my old grow out coop for now but I plan to expand it for them until we build my dream coop.

The newest development is that Pompom has received a new name and a new owner!

this is now Needle she is my Granddaughters favorite of the littles. So she gave her a new name and claimed her as her very own! Kaylee still has 3 Hens in the big coop as well 2 leghorns both named Chickoletta and 1 red layer called Cinnamon. Kaylee is 3 years old and has been handling and raising her own Chickens for over a year now. She tends them 2 days a week when she is at Grandma's house. She is also the eye that took this photo.
Here is a picture of Kaylee with Little Nitty.

and tending the littles

We just love our Ladies and cant wait for the new coop project to begin.