Welcome to My Backyard Chicken Page!!!
About me:
I have been raising and breeding exhibition poultry since I was in 7th grade (9 years). I am currently a senior at UW-Madison majoring in animal science and poultry science. My mom and I partner in the raising of the chickens. So we have her breeds and my breeds but I have combined them all here. I have a keen interest in genetics and have probably read every chicken genetic book there is out there.
Large Fowl
2011 Campine trio (Date stamp is incorrect)
About me:
I have been raising and breeding exhibition poultry since I was in 7th grade (9 years). I am currently a senior at UW-Madison majoring in animal science and poultry science. My mom and I partner in the raising of the chickens. So we have her breeds and my breeds but I have combined them all here. I have a keen interest in genetics and have probably read every chicken genetic book there is out there.
Now My Chickens (The Best Part
Currently raising and breeding SQ:- Campines-golden and cream
- Redcaps
- Hamburgs-Silver Spangled
- Langshans- Black, Blue, White
- Buttercups
- Aracauna
- Turken-Red
- Leghorn- Silver
- Langshan-Black
- Turken- Red, Barred
2011 Campine trio (Date stamp is incorrect)
2010 Silver Spangled Hamburg Cock Same Trio as above
2011 Silver Leghorn Cockerel 2011 Silver Leghorn Pullet
2011 Golden Campine Pullet "Mr.Creamy" 2008 Cream Campine Cock
2011 Silver Leghorn Cockerel 2011 Silver Leghorn Pullet
2011 Golden Campine Pullet "Mr.Creamy" 2008 Cream Campine Cock