I have always wanted a farm for a long time, so my husband decided to help me with my dream and start me off with a simple addition....chickens! I love any kind of bird but chickens have always been my favorite! We wanted to start off small so I got 4 chicks, then I decided I liked them and got 6, then 8, 9, 11, and finally 14 (maybe more lol I have found they are extremely addicting!) As my number in chicks were growing so were the actual chicks themselves and I knew with warm weather moving in it would be time for them to move out into a coop, but we didn't have one yet yikes! My dad is carpenter and wanted to start from scratch, this is all and well but I am frugal...okay cheap so I drew a design and told him I wanted it done for $150 or less...he laughed but have no fear my husband and I had some vacation time and decided to do it our way while my dad sat back and laughed more!

Framed in & put up the walls

Yay floor & Roof!

Some of my girls checking out the progress! They approve!

Easy access "cleaning" door​

Front porch!


Oh you know just washing some clothes!

The Evil Queen (aka Eve) and Bluebell

Run Added & just in time for my newly hatched sizzles!​

Babies are settled in and happy!​

With a torn ACL it took my husband 2 weeks to do this coop. All supplies including hardware, extra wood, paint etc cost $130!!! Take that Dad LOL. This was my husbands 1st ever build of any kind and I am extremely proud of him! Its a good sturdy coop and the girlies love it! The are free range mostly but use the run when we leave.