Wings of Fire: The Three Continents (Archives)

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There are three continents: Pyrrhia, Pantala, and Parsealia.


Here’s an overview of the Tribes

Pyrrhia Dragons:


Color: Red, orange, black, fiery.
Traits: Hot-tempered. They stick to their traditions, and can be cruel at times. They fight strongly, and enjoy a battle.
Abilities: SkyWings breathe fire, and are the fastest and most durable fliers in Pyrrhia. They’re strongly built, and one of the larger tribes.
Habitat: Mountains or open areas where they can fly.


Color: Gold, pale yellow, white.
Traits: Stubborn and crafty. They enjoy their treasure. They are accustom to very hot temperatures, and are weak in cold temperatures.
Abilities: SandWings have a barbed tail like a scorpion at the end of their tail. Only the juice of a brightsting cactus can cure SandWing venom. Their tounges and eyes are black, and they can withstand bright light. They can also breathe fire.
Habitat: They live in hot, sandy areas, and despise getting wet.


Color: Shades of brown, amber, muddy colors, or black.
Traits: Thick, heftily dragons, like alligator. They’re usually slow and dull. Unlike most of the Tribes, they stick with their siblings and fight, eat, and play together.
Abilities: MudWings can hold their breath for up to an hour, and are very powerful with their large muscles and thick tail. They can breathe fire only when they’re warm.
Habitat: Muddy areas or swamps. They enjoy warmth, and cool wetness. Mud helps their wounds heal.


Color: White, light blue or silvery.
Traits: Cold and calculating. They set rules and boundaries, and always follow them. They have ranking systems, and higher ranked dragons are treated with more respect. The IceWing animus’s are only allowed to used their powers once on a gift for the whole Tribe.
Abilities: They can breathe a frost breath can withstand intense cold and below zero temperatures. They have thin, sharp spikes at the ends of their tails. Their blood is blue.
Habitat: IceWings live in the snowy mountains or tundra areas with lots of ice and snow.


Colors: Black, dark blue or purple, scattered silver scales under their wings.
Traits: Mysterious. They don’t tell the other Tribes what powers they have just to create and aura of mystery and power. They can be very deceptive.
Abilities: Rare NightWing eggs hatched under one full moon have the power of either mind-reading or future-seeing. Very rare eggs hatched under two full moons get both of these powers. Extraordinarily rare eggs (every 1,000 years) that hatch under three full moons (aka: the Brightest Night) have both of these powers, but very enhanced. They have keen senses of smell, and can see well in the dark. They never stop growing as they age.
Habitat: Low areas of ground or caves, dark places. They are nocturnal.


Color: Light or dark blue, green, aquamarine. They have scales that can flash light.
Traits: Calm and peaceful. They’re a very loyal and happy Tribe. They have an above-water palace and a secret under-water pavilion.
Abilities: SeaWings can breathe underwater through their gills, and are deadly to fight in water. Above water, they are typically poor fighters. They have powerful, flat tails, curved wings, and webbed talons. They can see in the dark and swim faster than any other Tribe. They have another language called Aquatic which they use by flashing certain patterns of light on their scales.
Habitat: Underwater, in the ocean or near the beach.


Color: Mad- red, orange, black. Happy- yellow, pink. Sad- blue. Calm- light blue, purple. Scared- green. In Pain- white, grey. Curious- orange. Bashful/Embarrassed- pink. They can blend in with their surroundings and become invisible.
Traits: Happy and usually oblivious to the wars and fights between other tribes. Called ‘stupid’ and ‘lazy’ by other Tribes for having ‘sun time’ and being careless. They’re vegetarians.
Abilities: RainWings can shoot a black venom from their fangs, although they hate to shoot it at other dragons. They don’t have families, but if a RainWing is related to another, their venom cancels the other’s out- the only way to stop being burned by a RainWing’s venom.
Habitat: They live in the jungle and are accustomed to steamy heat and humidity.

Pantala Dragons:


Color: Light or dark green, light or dark brown. Yellowish and/or emerald.
Traits: Stubborn and calculating. They’re great fighters, and usually keep pouches of poisonous or venomous plants and insects around their neck to use against their enemies. They’re very clever thinkers, but hold a grudge against the HiveWings since their tribe was almost wiped out by them in the Tree Wars.
Abilities: Some rare LeafWings have what’s called ‘leafspeak’, which is the ability to influence a plant’s growth, and know the whereabouts of passing dragons or other plant’s whereabouts from them.
Habitat: Dense jungles and trees. They’re accustomed to steamy heat and carnivorous plants.

HiveWings -A hybrid Tribe

Colors: Yellow or gold, with black or dark brown stripes. They have translucent wings.
Traits: HiveWings are usually vicious and cruel, willing to bite first and ask questions later. They control the SilkWings, and use them for their silk. HiveWings have four wings instead of two.
Abilities: (Varies from dragon to dragon) Stingers in their wrists that can paralyze, stingers in their tails that cause extreme pain, toxin in their teeth that can make someone sick and weak. Some are able to make a stinking spray like a skunk.
Habitat: Grassy plains and the Hives (build by HiveWings and SilkWings) where they live.


Color: Any one or two colors except black.
Traits: Calm and peaceable. They’re tame, and take orders well. Sometimes called stupid just for being so submissive. They’ve lived under HiveWings and built the Hives. SilkWings don’t have wings before seven. When they turn seven, they go into a metamorphosis and spin a cocoon. They stay in the cocoon for three weeks before emerging with wings.
Abilities: They can spin a grey silk from their wrists, and rare SilkWings known as firesilks can spin three types of fiery silk. Glowing silk, fire silk (hot), and burning silk (on fire, and hard to put out). SilkWings have four wings like HiveWings, and can sense vibrations in the air with their antenna.
Habitat: The grassy plains and lightly wooded forests top left of Pantala.

Parsealia Dragons:


Color: Grey or black, dark or light brown.
Traits: Usually dull, but some older dragons can be quite intelligent. They sleep upside-down like bats.
Abilities: CaveWings can feel vibrations in the ground and can see in the dark. They are great diggers and tunnelers, and have a compass in their minds so that they don’t get lost.
Habitat: Underground, or in caves.

FireWings -A hybrid Tribe

Color: Red, orange, yellow or gold, fiery.
Traits: Can be short-tempered or calm at times. They are very durable and are strong fighters. They are long descendants of Peril the SkyWing and Clay the MudWing that flew and were stranded on Parsealia.
Abilities: They are able to breathe a strong fire and heat their talons up to burning temperatures. They can have 1 of 3 different scales: Flamescales, which are VERY HOT scales, Emberscales, which are kinda hot scales, (not hot enough to seriously burn a dragon). Last there are just regular Fireproof scales. They despise getting wet.
Habitat: Mountains or open areas where they can fly.

MineralWings -A hybrid Tribe

Color: Any color, mixed with black and/or grey.
Traits: Very calm and friendly. They’re a hybrid or SilkWings and CaveWings when a band of SilkWings tried to escape from the rule of HiveWings. They live almost next-door to the CaveWings. They have four wings unlike most tribes.
Abilities: They can sense vibrations much more strongly than CaveWings with their antenna.
Habitat: MineralWings live in mineral and gemstone-rich caves and mountains near the CaveWings.


Color: White, very pale yellow when full of sunlight.
Traits: LightWings are peaceable and choose not to fight or make enemies as part of their tradition. They don’t eat much, they’re vegetarians, but use photosynthesis. Their wings are rounded like LeafWing’s wings, and they have clear blood.
Abilities: LightWings can breath a high-energy white fire that is very strong and hot. Lying in the sun as RainWings do helps them charge their energy, and they can use that to mirror their scales with their surroundings- making them invisible, or lighting them up so bright that they can temporarily blind a dragon.
Habitat: They live in high treetops near beaches and sunbathe in the trees or on the beach.

LavaWings -A hybrid Tribe

Color: Red, fiery, and black.
Traits: Grumpy and stubborn. They hate talking with dragons outside of their Tribes other than the FireWings, and affiliate with no one but themselves. They’re hybrids of a SeaWing that was lost on Parsealia, and the FireWings.
Abilities: LavaWings can breath magma through their gills, and are able to spew lava when in contact with it. They’re usually too hot to be in contact with, and spend a lot of their time under the crust or in active volcanos. They have their own language, much like the SeaWings, flashing patches of scales like Morse code.
Habitat: Active volcanos.


Color: Light or dark blue, yellow or gold, white.
Traits: Usually peaceable, but can be extremely vengeful.
Abilities: Able to breath a lightning breath that can shock a dragon, and kill them at a nearby range. They are prone to static electricity, and can create sparks by rubbing their talons together very quickly. They are the only Tribe that are faster than SkyWings.
Habitat: Mountain peaks, and clefts in high hills.

WebWings -A hybrid Tribe

Color: Black, with a shiny chrome of any color, brown, or grey.
Traits: WebWings tend to stay in the shadows. They’re usually a quiet Tribe, and live under the radar of the other Parsealian Tribes. They can be very deadly and silent. They’re a hybrid of a NightWing and an odd SilkWing/HiveWing hybrid, who both managed to fly to Parsealia to live alone together.
Abilities: They can spin a white silk from their wrists, and go into a metamorphosis just like SilkWings, but they emerge with four wings and venom. (Abilities vary from dragon to dragon) Venomous stingers in their claws, two fangs, or stingers in their wrists. They can se very well in the dark with their four eyes, and have a heightened sense of smell, and are nocturnal.
Habitat: Surface caves and lowlands.
Next page: SkyWings
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Blue Raptor
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