
Addie's Flock

My nerd birds!!:
Penelope: A Cayuga Duck hen, bit of a fraidy cat but she really is a sweetheart
Persephone: another Cayuga hen, shes a bold little baby, definitely the leader!
Patrick: Sort of timid, my crested Cayuga drake
Barbra: Sweet little hen, don't actually know her breed. very smart baby we've bonded quite closely
Malf: My silkie son, he's the oldest of his siblings but is a runt for sure
Theadosia: Malf's little sister, very docile silkie baby
Tetta: The littlest silkie sister, very brave and with a strong will to live
Brigid: My barred rock, sort of a snuggly baby
Martha: Little white baby, the bravest of the bunch
Tabitha: Sharp little lady, very prim and particular
Abigail: a big baby indeed
Edith: Abby's sister, the chubbiest baby bird you ever saw!
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