Recent content by Batgod

  1. Batgod

    Halloween egg?

    Oh got you now. No it's a shared yolk/white...when you hold it on end it travels back and forth through the tube. Neither are hard.
  2. Batgod

    Halloween egg?

    She's a 10 month old sex-link chicken. all eggs were normal today, but I'm keeping an eye on them
  3. Batgod

    Halloween egg?

    It's actually soft, like you get sometimes. It has a yolk and everything. She layed a solid egg today (I assume - I got 15 out of the 15 from this flock). So hopefully it was a one off again.
  4. Batgod

    Halloween egg?

    I'm hoping for a glitch - they happen...I've just never seen them conjoined. It's sort of cool if you hold it on one side the yolk slips through the "tube" and into the next egg.
  5. Batgod

    Halloween egg?

    We will every now and again get a soft egg but nothing like this. Has anyone had a similar experience? I'm hoping it's just molting stress/change in weather - all others are normal and we give them all of their extra calcium and such (and they are very free roamers). Just a weird Halloween...
  6. Batgod

    Ske keeps going and going

    Oh - I meant she lays an egg every day without ever taking a day off. She actually only stays in her nest for a very brief time to pop out a little egg =) She's pretty active and runs around a lot. I'll take your advice under notice for my others though. I'm up to 55 and I'm sure I'll deal...
  7. Batgod

    Ske keeps going and going

    This is Welan, our little house chicken we hatched from our first flock. She started laying at 17 weeks and today layed her 39th straight egg. She hasn't taken one day off since she started, I'm thinking it may be because she is so spoiled. Does anyone else have chickens that just won't take...
  8. Batgod

    The 6th Annual BYC Easter Hatch-a-long!

    It was a long winter. Only one of our 3 that we put in the incubator was fertilized, and it hatched a day early - but here it is a couple hours into 2 minutes. It's doing great in the brooder now =)
  9. Batgod

    The 6th Annual BYC Easter Hatch-a-long!

    3 set to join our growing flock. Daddy is a Wyandotte, mom's are Buff Orpington & RI Red
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