Recent content by cheaperbythe12

  1. cheaperbythe12

    How to Break a Broody Hen

    I have used a couple of my broody hens to raise chicks. I let the hen brood for at least a week then buy a few chicks from the feed store (I have only used ones that were3 days old) and stick the chicks under the hen and voila. No need for heat lamps, etc.
  2. cheaperbythe12

    Hens keep breaking eggs!! Try milk?

    @jak2002003 I'm going to keep trying to break the habit for the time being. Thought about putting an egg with the dish soap and dye combo out to figure out the culprit(s). I am thinking about culling, any advice on poultry butchery?
  3. cheaperbythe12

    Need Egg Pictures for Egg Color Chart.

    I have three speckled Russian orloff chicks. Hope I can contribute a pic in a few months. I've heard that they lay dark brown eggs, also heard white eggs. I am interested in finding out. I love the egg chart! The variety of eggs is beautiful. I am envious of those who have flocks that lay...
  4. cheaperbythe12

    Hens keep breaking eggs!! Try milk?

    I am in the same boat with the egg eating. I added a big dish of oyster shell and have been trying the mustard egg trick. Yesterday I had one unbroken egg and today I had 5 but of course I was running outside every 20 minutes to check for eggs today. I''ve given my chickens milk and plain...
  5. cheaperbythe12

    How Many Eggs Did You Get Today?

    5/9 - one is broody and another is raising the three chicks I stuck under her when she went broody so my max expectation is 7. I have 8 buff orpingtons and 1 Easter egger. Of course it is the orpies that are broody/mothering chicks (Russian orloff chicks).
  6. cheaperbythe12

    Hen lying huge eggs

    In my limited experience, I think they'll be fine. Sometimes there is a hiccup in the egg development process but they can handle it. I've been looking at the abnormal egg picture thread, informative! I've had tiny eggs, huge eggs, eggs just in the membrane with no shell. But most of the...
  7. cheaperbythe12

    Hen lying huge eggs

    I've gotten a couple of those monster eggs from a hen too. It was around the start of her laying career. I think maybe three In all then back to normal sized eggs.
  8. cheaperbythe12

    Help! My Chickens are Eating their Eggs

    I am having this problem too! Very frustrating! I have 8 buff orpingtons that all look exactly the same- can't figure out the culprit. I am going to try the mustard egg in earnest. I tried it yesterday, it was pecked but not eaten. When I took the broken mustard egg out, several girls came...
  9. cheaperbythe12

    Predator attack - Hawk!!

    I let my hens free range. When they were adolescents I lost two in 24 hours to a hawk. Now that they are full grown, I haven't lost any - knock on wood. I saw a hawk a few weeks ago on a fence post, the girls were hiding under the roses. My hens have become wily birds. I did also get a...
  10. cheaperbythe12

    Can you identify this chick?

    The chicks have a dark stripe on the back and a dark mark on the top of the head. There is some whit on the wings. I see some similarities to the pic above. I bought it at the local feed store and it was in a tub with production reds and sex links. I will have to use a real camera and get a...
  11. cheaperbythe12

    Just joined the flock!

    Hi, I live in Northern CA. Currently, I have 9 hens - 8 buff orpingtons and 1 tinted egg layer. I've had chickens for a couple of years. They are free roaming during the day. We heard tales of chickens keeping rattlesnakes from settling under bushes and with small children running about we...
  12. cheaperbythe12

    Can you identify this chick?

    I was told it is a spangled Russian orloff but have my doubts.
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