Recent content by ChickenKing319

  1. ChickenKing319

    what gender?

    Then it could be either but looking at it now it looks like a roo. let us know
  2. ChickenKing319

    got lazy decided to let them hach

    The hen might abandon them with the other 2 chicks or they will hatch late and get bullied buy the older two. you could take the older two away when the hatch and allow the other eggs to hatch then add the older two back in.
  3. ChickenKing319

    To touch or not to touch (eggs)

    No, you should leave her new nest alone and dispose of the other eggs. ducks are not like chickens, If you touch their eggs and get your sent on them then she will abandon the nest. just let her get comfortable and lay till she wants to hatch the eggs if that's what you want and shell be fine.
  4. ChickenKing319

    Advice with new chicks

    If all the eggs where but under the hen at the same time and the one that hatched are 3 days old I would give them one more day and candle them just to be sure there was nothing in there. After I was certain there was no more hatching I would move the hen to a inclosure where she would be safe...
  5. ChickenKing319

    what gender?

    From looking at it, it looks like a hen. But it's depending on the age of of the bird. How old is it?
  6. ChickenKing319

    Rooster Breed Recommendations

    I would suggest a buff orpington or a barred rock. Both are very protective and are great with people.
  7. ChickenKing319

    How to tell if a hen is laying eggs?

    Check the hens combs and if they are a dark red then they are laying. But if they are a light pail red then they are not. plus if you have the room you could isolate the hens to their self and see which is laying and which is not. good luck!
  8. ChickenKing319

    how often do buff orpingtons go broody

    I started this year off with 25 buff orpington hens and 3 roosters and finished this year out with 91 buff orpingtons in all, all hatched with my hens. So yes they go broody quite often.
  9. ChickenKing319

    question about broodiness.

    Thanks. My original stock of buff orpingtons came from a hatchery and all go broody very well. I have set and hatched quit a few chicks. I was thinking that I would like to get variety in my flock plus get some hybrid vigor to improve egg production and meat qualities, but still raise chicks...
  10. ChickenKing319

    question about broodiness.

    I was wondering if I was to cross 2 breeds of chickens that naturally go broody (e.g A new Hampshire red and a buff orpington) Will their offspring go broody?
  11. ChickenKing319

    Maran Orpington cross?

    I was wondering if I was to cross a Black Copper Maran with my Buff Orpintons can I eventually get an Orpington that will lay dark chocolate eggs?
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