Recent content by Coopmeister1

  1. C

    Male or female?

    So today I was reading about young Rhode Island chickens. They say roosters should have some black in the tail and wings and females should be mostly all red with black in the tail area. Can someone please tell me what they think. I will post a few pics.
  2. C

    Male or female?

    Hello last month I posted a picture of a young Buff I had wanting to know the sex. Unfortunately it turned out being a little rooster. Can someone please let me know if this time a have a little lady. Any input would be much appreciated.
  3. C

    Male or female?

  4. C

    Male or female?

    Beautiful! Awesome name. Very clever
  5. C

    Male or female?

    Here she is. I love this little lady.
  6. C

    Male or female?

    No she's really nervous. That's definitely my fault. I wish she was.
  7. C

    Male or female?

    Quite honestly I have no idea. She still hasn't been accepted by my 2 oldest chickens. My black sex linked always tries to peck her when she gets close. My other hen, a brown leghorn seems to be less aggressive towards her.
  8. C

    Male or female?

    Thank you
  9. C

    Male or female?

    Thank you. How can you tell anyway. Heck I've gotta learn someday.
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