Recent content by dadagin

  1. dadagin

    lethargic Buffington

    I'd like to thank everyone for their replies. I ended up taking her to the vet. She looked her over and found nothing obvious wrong with her. We put her on Baytril and almost immediately she began improving. By the second day she was pretty much back to normal. Now I have to deal with the...
  2. dadagin

    lethargic Buffington

    All, I've just been informed that our sick hen is a Buff Orpington, not a Buffington. As I said, we're newbies...
  3. dadagin

    lethargic Buffington

    Hello, We're new to chickens and new to this forum. We have a 6 month old Buffington who is extremely lethargic this morning. She will not stand up and will not drink water but she did eat a little crumble. She is also bobbing her head on a continous basis and gently moving her back end from...
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