Recent content by gopackgirl

  1. gopackgirl

    North Carolina

    I just started a chicken buy/sale/trade or chat group on Facebook for Wake, Chatham, Orange, Durham and surrounding counties. Please feel free to join us! The link is below. Thanks!
  2. gopackgirl

    North Carolina

    Howdy neighbor! Thanks for your response! I bet your egg basket is beautiful with all those different color eggs!
  3. gopackgirl

    North Carolina

    Hi everyone! I am new to chickens (as an adult anyway) and new to BYC! We have two rescued Ross hens that came to us about two months ago, who are adjusting nicely and as sweet as can be. We also have ten chicks (3 buff orpington, 2 black australorp, 2 americauna, 2 barred rock, and 1 brahma)...
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