Recent content by gutpile

  1. gutpile

    rooster i.d.

    I'm new to the chicken world, but have been free ranging an Americauna and a red sexling for about a month. I was told they were both hens and was anxious to start getting eggs. Recently the egg box bedding is showing signs of use, ( feathers present and matted down). The Americauna recently...
  2. gutpile

    new member

    Opinions please: What chickens are the best to have around young kids and lay better than average amounts and size eggs?
  3. gutpile

    new member

    I have two questions that concern my wife. 1 - Will 3-4 chickens that free range in a suburban backyard make a mess with there " leavings"? 2 - Do rodents become an issue being attracted to the food?
  4. gutpile

    new member

    Thanks for the welcome, I appreciate it. In short, I 'm a father of 2,born country boy bred suburbanite (reverting back to country boy), wildlife biologist, hunting and fishing nut. The last 5 years I've transitioned into self sufficient, organic living. Chickens are the next step in the...
  5. gutpile

    new member

    Can't wait to pick everyones brain. I hope to get chickens within the next few weeksand I'm excited but alittle apprehensive.
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