Recent content by jesse0081

  1. jesse0081

    Coop pics****

    In the process of building a run for my 4 Rhode Island Reds. I have a small coop and I will basically just place it inside of this when it's done. For the past 2 months, they have been free ranging, but I found out that chickens like to destroy the yard, as you can see the grass disappearing in...
  2. jesse0081

    Giant Double Yolk Eggs (picture included)

    Hi, I have 4 Rhode Island Reds, and once every two weeks or so I get one of these giant double yolk eggs. I read that it is not normal for chickens to lay these, but is it anything to be concerned about health wise (for the chicken)? Does anyone else out there get these? Thanks.
  3. jesse0081

    Dumbest Things People Have Said About Your Chickens/Eggs/Meat

    My uncle asked me if anyone in my family has had convulsions or any other problems from eating our chickens eggs. True story.
  4. jesse0081

    Soft eggs, egg eating, and bullies - Help!

    Hi, I am new to raising backyard chickens. I have 4 Rhode Island Reds, which we've had for about 2 months now. We got them as pullets and they started laying a couple weeks after we got them. About 2 weeks ago, I noticed that I wasn't getting as many eggs. I usually had 3-4 a day, and was...
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