Recent content by Jinojoca

  1. Jinojoca

    Boys vs Girls....???

    Quote: Here are close up snapshots of the two Dominiques. This is Blue...very personable. Always the last one out of the coop, usually off away from the crowd, likes to be pet, jumps up on your hand This is red...a little bit more standoff-ish, usually follows the crowd around...
  2. Jinojoca

    Boys vs Girls....???

    Ouch! We were told 2 were Domoniques and 3 were Cuckoo Marans. Does that change any opinions?
  3. Jinojoca

    Boys vs Girls....???

    Here are photos of our chickens. All are 12 weeks old. I put colored bands on a leg to help distinguish one from another. Please let me know what you think we have. Thanks! White band.... Blue band..... Red band.... Black band..... Yellow band...
  4. Jinojoca

    New memeber

    Hello I'm new to this forum and to chicken living. We have 5 birds...3 cuckoo maran and 2 dominique, all 11 weeks old. We aren't sure if they are boys or girls yet but I'm beginning to think we have at least one dude. I hope to figure out how to post pictures so I can get some of your input on...
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