Recent content by Karikoo77

  1. Karikoo77

    Orange County FL Zoning Approved for BackYard Chickens!

    I would be happy to take them off your hands... I am sorry to hear this and I was unable to take off of work to allow for me to attend. Not sure it would have mattered at this point? It is not completely dead so do not take down the coop. K
  2. Karikoo77

    Orange County FL Zoning Approved for BackYard Chickens!

    I did call and found out what was said above was true, I am zoned citrus rural and my property is excempt. But the point of the county regulating the housing of the chickens is one thing, they should make sure the coop is safe to withstand a storm but to say how many and that you cant kill the...
  3. Karikoo77

    Orange County FL Zoning Approved for BackYard Chickens!

    Reading what they are proposing is making me loose my mind. So I will only be allowed 3 hens, so when they all go brooty I will have no eggs. I will not be allowed to kill the birds for food to feed my family and have to take a class on how to care for them so the county can make their money...
  4. Karikoo77

    Orange County FL Zoning Approved for BackYard Chickens!

    I live in unincorporated zoned for agriculture and livestock in Orange County Florida. I need to know if this ordinance is still in effect for my area. I just built my coop and have chickens already. This area is very rural and dirt road access only. If my neighbors can have livestock but I...
  5. Karikoo77

    New With Question

    I just built my coop and got 4 full size chickens,3 Road Island Reds and a Sultan mix. My friend had baby chicks of another breed that are about 6 weeks old and they are Jersey Giant mix. My dog, which is a standard schauser, was excited to see the fill grown chickens but not overly...
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