Recent content by memawtdp

  1. memawtdp

    Injured Hen

    Hi all! Well this morning things still look good. I fixed her a meal of her regular feed mixed with yogurt, garlic, egg, oats, sunflower seeds and the antibiotic and threw it all in the food processor. When I gave it to her she just looked at me like you want me to eat this? haha When I...
  2. memawtdp

    Injured Hen

    Thanks for your reply. I worried about her all night and this morning when I checked her she had been up and moved around. I gave her some greens and she gobbled them down. I also gave her some antibiotic in her water and she drank great. Her wound looks good with no infection so far. I made...
  3. memawtdp

    Injured Hen

    Help please. I have a buff orp hen who was attacked today by a dog. I was able to get to her right away but the dog did get a good bite which caused a baseball sized half moon tear of her skin only on her right side and one small puncture wound in the tissue below the skin. The skin was...
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