Recent content by rolivier79

  1. rolivier79

    Thousands of Grubs in Compost ( picture and video )

    Putting together a bsf knowledge base.
  2. rolivier79

    Can I feed black soldier fly larvae straight from the breeding bucket?

    Have you tried just baiting them into a perforated bucket? What you do is lower a "jummy" last meal into a small perforated bucket (drill some holes with a drill) and wait 30 minutes for the bucket to fill. Then you remove the bucket from the bigger colony and you feed those to your chickens...
  3. rolivier79

    Can I feed black soldier fly larvae straight from the breeding bucket?

    I have 2 papers on how to optimize productions and yes harvest is very crucial. I'm not sure how effective the DIY tubes are. Robert
  4. rolivier79

    Can I feed black soldier fly larvae straight from the breeding bucket?

    Post a picture if you can yes smell is your number one tool when assessing overall health. I've noticed that once the number of grubs get to a certain level it can still take a few weeks for the bacteria to get optimized. Once that happens it's like a next wave of bio-productivity. Typically...
  5. rolivier79

    Can I feed black soldier fly larvae straight from the breeding bucket?

    Honestly, I would never feed grubs from a stinking food source. The smell you are smelling is there for a reason and indicates anaerobic bacteria. You probably have moisture accumulating in your unit. When people let chickens go into their compost pile you have to assume that the compost is...
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