Recent content by Svalleyfarm

  1. Svalleyfarm

    Chicken meat pens for the fair

    I believe the birds used at our fairs are white leghorns? I dont remember though. Our area seems to show animals differently than other states/counties. & I'm not with 4h nor FFA. I'm in the independent category. I've emailed the fair a few times and they've never gotten back to me. I can't ask...
  2. Svalleyfarm

    Chicken meat pens for the fair

    Just had a few questions. I wanted to raise a meat pen of chickens for our fair in late august. What breed of chickens do I buy? Will they be ready (if I buy chicks now) to show by august 26 ish? I've never showed a meat pen and would appreciate any input :)
  3. Svalleyfarm

    4H Project

    Thank you for your help :) Our fair isn't until the middle of September. I'm currently showing independently until I can join 4H next year. I used to show for FFA but no longer am.
  4. Svalleyfarm

    4H Project

    Hi everyone, I'm new to backyard chickens as well as raising chickens. I'm thinking about doing a chicken meat pen as a 4h project in the fall but have no clue on how to start (ex: how old do I get chicks? What breed? Hen or rooster? Etc.) I'm more familiar with showing pigs goats sheep...
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